Eleven-year-old comic gives to community

Home Lifestyle Eleven-year-old comic gives to community

Matheus Hamutenya

Cee-Jay Platt is no ordinary boy, and he proved just that when he used his own funds to treat Keetmanshoop elders to some parcels last Sunday.

After promising some proceeds from his last December show to treat elders here, the eleven-year-old comedian and gospel singer finally kept his word on Sunday giving away parcels containing basic items such as soap, toothpaste and food items to 32 elders. Platt, popularly known as CJ, says after his well-attended show at Keetmanshoop last year, he decided to do something for the elderly community as a way of giving back and showing appreciation. CJ says he has always had the passion for singing and he is the joke cracker in their house, adding that he watches old comedy shows and clips of South African comedian and Daily show host, Trevor Noah, to polish his skills. The young comedian, a Grade 5 pupil at the Keetmanshoop Private School, also cracked a few jokes at the event, leaving the elders in stiches.

CJ’s mother, Julien Platt, says the family realised the boy’s talent at an early age and have been supportive. They are working on getting at least two gigs per year, with the next one man show set for Kosis settlement on a date yet to be determined. His father, Charles Platt urges parents to nature their children’s talents and not ignore gifted children, saying support at an early stage is key to good development. “As parents we should give children attention, let us assist the children to bring out their talent and groom them from an early age,” he says.