
Embrace unity, congress delegates told

Home Front Page News Embrace unity, congress delegates told

Selma Ikela

Windhoek-President Hage Geingob says it is principles that matter and not personalities in Swapo and in the same vein he called on the rank and file of the party to support those who will emerge victorious in different party positions.

Geingob said there must be competition within Swapo, a healthy competition that will result in a stronger resilient party.

“In the spirit of Swapo Party unity, once the contest is over and the winners have been announced, let us all rally behind the victors, because it is not personalities that matter, it is principles that matter,” said the President.
He made the remarks during the opening of the 6th Swapo Party Elective Congress at Windhoek’s Safari Hotel yesterday. He told party members to bury their personal interests and hold the interests of Swapo Party aloft.

“Let us not pursue the growth of our careers but pursue the growth of Namibia,” he extolled delegates at the elective congress.

Over 700 delegates are attending the congress, which started yesterday and will go up to Sunday.
Geingob, who is vying for the Swapo presidency against Nahas Angula and Jerry Ekandjo, dismissed claims that Swapo has changed and is no longer the party it once was.

He stated that the world has also changed and it is, therefore, important that Swapo adapts to deal with the contemporary challenges in order to remain at the forefront of fighting for social justice. “There are those who claim Swapo has changed. For those, I have the following to say: Swapo has not changed. The world has changed and in order not to be left behind, we have to change with the times, while retaining our core values. Swapo remains true to the pursuit of its fundamental ideals for social justice and liberty, in all its forms. Swapo is here to stay and it is here to stay for a very long time,” remarked Geingob.

He said the party has been forthright and honest in its aims and objectives. He told the participants that Swapo is neither a personality cult nor an exclusive club.

“It is not a shortcut to personal wealth or power. Swapo is a movement of the people. It is bigger than any individual, and when the day comes that we are longer here, Swapo will remain standing. The exercise of internal party democracy is a strength, not a weakness and we should never allow our stable succession practice and our democratic nature to become a weakness.

The President also touched on governance issues, saying the party has established a solid macroeconomic architecture. He added that is why the administration has declared full scale war against poverty, inequality and corruption.

Geingob said they recognise that the only sustained growth will be shared growth and the need for inclusive growth that will translate into the creation of decent job opportunities for all citizens.