Enriching youth through music

Home Youth Corner Enriching youth through music
Enriching youth through music

Julina Kaakunga


The Robin’s Private Music Centre recently marked a significant milestone in its commitment to music education and community enrichment when it unveiled the Robin’s Children’s Choir (RCC).

Founded just over a year ago, the Robin’s Private Music Centre has quickly established itself as a hub for musical learning and artistic expression, offering lessons in guitar, violin, dance, piano, percussion, vocals, theory and more. With over 80 active students spanning all levels of proficiency, the centre serves as a vibrant community where aspiring musicians can cultivate their skills and passion under the guidance of dedicated instructors. 

It is situated at the Rosewood Academy in the Southern Industrial area, opposite Ferreira’s Garden Centre at 1 Parsival Street. 

“Being a teacher, I have always been very passionate about children, but my attention went to those who couldn’t afford my music programmes. I wanted to be able to impact every child, despite their ability to afford it or not,” said Oseias Bonzali Isanza, the chief executive officer and founder. 

“RCC offers choral experience for children aged between seven to 18 with the aid of top choir professionals. Every child is important, and we have been gifted with the most powerful musical instrument, our voice.”

Auditions for a spot in the choir are scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Sign up by calling 0812789198, or drop an email at robinsmusiccentre@gmail.com. 



Isanza noted that running a music centre has opened many doors for him and his team through meeting new people and collaborating with major organisations in Namibia, thus opening his eyes to the endless possibilities that lie in the art of music.

The programme has been receiving great responses thus far. Schools like Gardner Academy and Rosewood Academy have expressed interest in the centre’s students, and have allowed the initiative to publish on their schools’ platforms ever since its launch.

More parents are enquiring about the programme and signing up their children and referring others as well, said the CEO.

“We are in communication with the SOS Children Village and other institutions. The RCC programme is designed to allow them to benefit from our musicianship studies with the inspiration of the child’s social and financial background,” he noted.

Future plans

Isanza’s vision is for them to become the next leading children’s choir.

“I am determined to build an excellent choir which produces spectacular sound and intonation that can compete with world-class standards in the music industry, while creating opportunities that change children’s lives and inspire them to keep going forward,” he enthused.

This is an opportunity he wishes to expose the youth to through performances both at a local, national and international level.



Isanza admitted that while the vision remains big and ambitious, funds and sponsorships are required, as well as securing an investor has been one of their challenges. 

“We are trusting and praying that this project will reach far. So far, my music centre has been covering all its costs. The programme tends to support itself through possible funds or donations, fundraising projects and performances. We welcome any potential and willing investors or sponsors to be part of our RCC programme, and together, we can transform lives through music,” adjured the founder.

The goal is for seniors who complete the course to be able to continue their studies or even be accepted at universities and other institutions, or continue benefiting from the opportunities created while partaking.


The process

The RCC is currently aiming to enrol at least 60 students, and will accommodate more in the near future. 

There are two divisions, the senior and junior division, and each division holds an hour of practice. The choir meets twice a week for two hours, which include musicianship studies where they learn sight reading, musical expressions, vocal lessons, stage etiquettes and drama classes. Here, they learn different repertoires in different dialects of French, Portuguese, local languages and more. Each child receives a certificate at the end of each year.

“Rehearsals are between Mondays and Wednesdays from 16h00 to 18h00, although we wish to add more days and practice sessions in the future,” Isanza added.

– julinak990@gmail.com