
Epukiro farmers blast EEFA for cancelled auction

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Epukiro farmers blast EEFA for cancelled auction

Zebaldt Ngaruka 


EPUKIRO – Farmers in the Epukiro constituency are up in arms and have expressed dismay over the unceremonious manner in which the eagerly-awaited first cattle auction for the constituency was cancelled by the Eastern Epukiro Farmers Association (EEFA).

EEFA, in collaboration with the Omaheke region’s livestock marketing giant Karoo-Ochse Livestock Agency, was set to host Epukiro’s first fully-fledged cattle auction this Thursday, 18 January, but it was abruptly cancelled without prior warning to the farmers. 

According to EEFA representatives, the untimed cancellation was triggered by the incomplete infrastructure at the auction pans of Omauezonjanda, where critical components like the mandatory weight scale, sitting benches for buyers and other infrastructure are still not fully installed. 

EEFA chairperson Katjinduu Naftalie Tjahuha said the cancellation was necessitated by the above, amongst other things.

“It is a very painful situation for our farmers, as they were looking forward to the good prices which were to be on offer at this auction. We feel the disappointment of our farmers because we told them to bring more cattle to the auction following our agreement with Karoo-Ochse last November. Now, the auction is off after having been promised that. Our sincere apologies,” he said. 

While extending EEFA’s apology to the farmers, Tjahuha said they have now moved the auction to 8 February 2024.

“Very soon, the scale and other pending facilities will be finished, and farmers must still keep their livestock for the auction in February. We have to make it special as it will be the first in our constituency, and will bring change to the development of Epukiro in general,” he added. 

He said the postponed auction should not discourage farmers from bringing cattle to auctions as they know the advantages of the auctions in comparison to selling at small-scale venues.

Epukiro farmer McBride Rumaa Ngupahua, who had reserved 10 cattle for the cancelled auction, said he is utterly disappointed with the short notice as the cancellation has disrupted his planning. 

“This is unwelcome news; it is short notice, and the delays in constructing the auction facilities is a lame excuse. All these were supposed to be done in advance,” he told AgriToday. 

Ngupahua, who farms at Otjombundiro village, said the EEFA leadership needs to seriously consider farmers, especially now that it is January and most farmers were relying on that auction to pay for their children’s school fees and other needs.

On her part, Tjipee Murangi, who farms at Osava Plot in Epukiro, said the postponement is untimely as she had anticipated to gain better prices at the auction.

“It is short notice. School children have to go back, and now we are told to sell at other places, which are paying less for our animals. The auction was well- marketed, but it is excuses that the facilities are not ready,” said the disappointed farmer. 

Otjimanangombe farmer Ebson Ngini Hangero stated that it is a very painful experience as he was prepared to take his cattle to the first full auction in Epukiro. 

“This is not acceptable news, as we were even told to register our cattle in advance for transport arrangements. The reason given for the cancellation is not fair, as they could have used other options to accommodate the auction,” he added.

He pointed out that the Otjimanangombe auction kraals have a scale which could have been used, but he fails to understand why EEFA is not using them.

“We have ablution and water facilities which can be used, instead of relying on the Omaueuozonjanda venue. Otjimanangombe is centrally-located, and can benefit both Eiseb Block and Epukiro farmers,” he emphasised.

s a stop-gap measure, EEFA will now hold a small permit auction on 18 January in the place of the postponed auction, hoping that it will assist the farmers with money to return their children to school.  –zngaruka@yahoo.com