
Erongo Police on Alert for Lawbreakers

Home Archived Erongo Police on Alert for Lawbreakers

By Charles Tjatindi


The Regional Police Commander for the Erongo Region, Festus Shilongo, has issued a stern warning to Erongo residents and visitors not to engage in criminal activities, adding that offenders will be severely punished.

In his year-end address to Erongo residents, as well as visitors, the Regional Commander said police officers and other law enforcement agencies are under instruction to make sure that all who violate traffic rules receive maximum punishment.

Shilongo said the police are prepared for the anticipated high number of visitors that will flock to the region during this time of the year, and have erected roadblocks at strategic locations around the region.

He urged drivers not to drink and drive, and to respect road signs. The Regional Commander also called for the cooperation of the public in preventing crime by reporting suspected criminal activities, and not aiding or conniving with criminals.

“What we need to do during the festive season is to make sure that we keep ourselves and our neighbours safe. Let us not wait until we become victims of crime. Let us fight crime before it fights us,” he said.

Shilongo noted that although the police in his region have recorded considerable progress in arresting and charging criminals, the attitude of the public is often worrisome.

“Helping criminals is a criminal offence itself. Please refrain from doing this. We want economic emancipation, not a community riddled with crime. Let us stop crime and make Erongo safe,” he said

“Make Erongo Safe” is the official slogan of the regional police’s initiative to rid Erongo of criminal activities. Shilongo said the onus rests on the residents of Erongo and visitors alike to make this slogan a reality, by avoiding brushes with the law.

Reflecting on the year, the Commander noted that 2007 would go down in crime prevention history as vivid testimony of how efficiency in the police force can be achieved if the community cooperates with the police.

Testimony to this, he said, are the many successes the police recorded in apprehending and charging criminals due to timely information obtained from the public.

“It has been a year to remember because of the good assistance from the community in line with efforts to prevent crime to make Erongo Region safe for our people. I wish therefore, to thank the public from all corners of the Erongo Region for that,” he said.

Shilongo said the police were successful in detecting and preventing possible criminal activities before they happened.

Crimes such as the possession of drugs and harmful substances, reckless and negligent driving and driving under the influence of alcohol were easily detected by the police at roadblocks and other locations, leading to the immediate arrest of culprits.