
Examination motivation 

Home Youth Corner Examination motivation 
Examination motivation 

Matheus Hangula

Writing exams is one of the hardest and most stressful parts of being a student. Examinations are around the corner, and some students have already started. Get yourself to the exam and do your best; study while others are partying.

Remember, do not worry about those who are laughing at you during the situation of being a student; it is only you who knows what you want to achieve. 

You will laugh at them in the future. You chose to make that opportunity for you and nobody else. 

Study hard, and do not forget to revise each chapter you have covered – and always remind yourself that your parents have sent you to university so that you will present them with a qualification at the end of the day – not a child or any disappointment. 

Set high standards of excellence for yourself. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you cannot achieve higher things than the people you look up to. 

Do not be intimidated by what those in front of you have accomplished or failed to do. Never think of yourself as ordinary or lesser than anybody; remember your uniqueness and stay focused. 

Do not get nervous; get enough sleep and arrive on time at the examination room. Remember, education is the key to many closed doors.

*Matheus Hangula is a motivational speaker. He can be reached at matheushangula@gmail.com