
Excelling schools rewarded

Home Education Excelling schools rewarded

Katima Mulilo – Several schools and learners in the Zambezi Region were awarded prizes last week for academic excellence in the 2013 final year exams.

However, speaking during the awards ceremony the Governor of the Zambezi Region, Lawrence Sampofu, also expressed concern over the declining performance of schools in the region noting that both teachers and learners need support to turn the untenable situation around.

“Three years ago I used to walk tall, but this year I am a bit disappointed. In 2011 in Grade 10 we attained position 4. In 2012 we attained position 6 and remained the same in 2013. There’s a clear indication that if we don’t work hard our region will go down again. I therefore call upon all the people in the region to team up and give support to teaching and learning for us to attain the goal of 65 percent,” he said.

Sampofu further appealed to principals to manage their schools professionally, referring to the examination paper leakage scandal, which caused serious reputational damage to the region. “I encourage all principals to manage their schools seriously during examinations so that all learners write well and get their results. Leakages put learners’ results in danger,” warned Sampofu.

In support of the sentiments expressed by the governor in respect of teamwork and support to both teachers and learners the regional education director Austin Samupwa said education authorities in the region are committed to achieving the benchmark of a 65 percent pass rate and that several strategies have been put in place to attain that goal. “Subject advisors, inspectors and other stakeholders set programmes to make regular school visits and to monitor them strictly; to conduct  monitoring, follow-ups and to assist teachers in areas where they encounter problems. We will continue to march forward until the region obtains its original position one [in the national ranking].

This can only be achieved through commitment, dedication and hard work,” Samupwa reiterated. The region’s ranking in Grade 10 remained stagnant at position six nationally for the past two years running, while it slipped to the last position in the Grade 12 ordinary level final examination outcomes last year.

However, a glimmer of hope manifested itself with the Grade 12 higher grade results with the region ending in second position. The best performing schools in the Grade 10 exmination results in order of ranking have been identified as Ibbu, Sauzuo, Sikubi, Linyanti, Lusu, Dr Sam Nujoma, Kongola, Imukusi and Nankuntwe combined schools. The Caprivi Senior Secondary School performed best in the Grade 12 higher grade final examination, while Ibbu Combined School achieved a 100 percent pass rate, earning itself a floating trophy for best performance, as well as the governor’s floating trophy.


By George Sanzila