
Expectant mothers in Gobabis receive free food

Home National Expectant mothers in Gobabis receive free food

Twelve expectant mothers accommodated at Lady Pohamba Maternity Waiting Home in Gobabis in Omaheke region on Wednesday got a donation of food and sanitary kits from the Omaheke Regional Council and Catholic AIDS Action (CAA). 
The mothers, many of them San, received food items including maize meal, fresh fish, canned fish, cooking oil, meat, peas and lemons. Each mother received a sanitary kit consisting of a hand sanitiser, bathing soap, dishwashing liquid and sanitary pads, sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA). 

Caretaker of the waiting home, Mitta Kangue, who spoke on behalf of the recipients, expressed gratitude for the donations saying most of the mothers accommodated at the shelter are struggling as they normally only rely on donations from the Omaheke governor’s office and other donors.

 “Therefore, any donations, even baby clothes and clothes for the mothers, will highly be appreciated,” she said. 
Julia Tjaapo from CAA Gobabis regional office said although the organisation typically implements HIV and AIDS interventions, the dignity (sanitary) kits are distributed to expectant and nursing mothers, teenage girls and women with disabilities regardless of their HIV status.