Facts about lactose intolerance

Home Front Page News Facts about lactose intolerance

• Lactose intolerance is not an allergy but a digestive issue
• Lactose is a natural sugar in milk made of 2 sugars (glucose and galactose)
• Symptoms of lactose intolerance can include bloating, gas, abdominal pain, or nausea
• Lactose intolerance can be cured
• If you are lactose intolerant, you can still eat cheese and yogurt. The bacteria that fermented tin these foods have already broken-down the lactose as their food
• Lactose is a healthier sugar as compared to fructose and has many health benefits
• Galactose is considered the brain sugar and has been shown to help in brain development of babies. Galactose also is a requirement for the health of your body’s cellular health functioning as the structural substance for cells, cell walls, and intracellular matrix.
• Galactose in Lactose has been shown to prevent tumor growth, enhance wound healing, decrease inflammation, enhance cellular communication, and increases calcium absorption
• Lactose can be considered a prebiotic – feeding the bacteria in your digestive system
• Lactose-free milk is available for people experiencing symptoms of lactose intolerance. It is exactly the same as regular milk only the enzyme lactase is added to pre-breakdown the lactose
• Lactose intolerance is not purely genetic, but also a cultural phenomenon
• Some people have a lactose “gene” which allows them to continue to produce more of the enzyme lactase into adulthood
• Even if you don’t have the lactose gene, you can still digest lactose by growing lactose-digesting bacteria in your gut. The microbes can digest the lactose for you
• People of Europeans descent are not the only ones that are lactose tolerant. There are cultures in Asia and Africa that also have no problems digesting lactose. – dairy moos.com