
Family of 18 left out in the cold

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Family of 18 left out in the cold

Mattresses, furniture and piles of shoes and clothing scattered on the pavement in Ignatius Luyola Street in Katutura’s Nama location tell of the misfortune of Rebekka Beukes (61) and her family of 18.

The family found themselves stranded on the street and forced to endure merciless cold nights without shelter. 

The unfortunate circumstances unfolded when Rebekka’s daughter, Floritha Beukes (37), manipulated her into signing away ownership rights to their home in 2018, which she subsequently sold.

The house that has been the cherished home of Rebekka and her multi-generational family for over six decades has been taken away from them, leaving them devastated. 

After the death of their mother, Rebekka took ownership of the house and provided shelter to her siblings, children, and grandchildren. 

However, that bliss was abruptly shattered when a certain Richard
/Goagoseb, accompanied by a group of friends, allegedly evicted them from their home.

“This is the only home we know and just like that, a stranger comes and takes away our home,” cried Rebekka.

Armed with what he claimed to be a court order, /Goagoseb arrived at Rebekka’s residence last week and ejected them, leaving the family in the cold.  Jacqueline Beukes (Rebekka’s sister) and one of the residents of the house, said /Goagoseb presented them an “eviction letter” and demanded they vacate the house immediately.

Jacqueline expressed frustration that aside from a failed eviction attempt in 2021, they had not received any advance

The family felt compelled to gather their belongings and vacate the premises although they were unable to verify the legitimacy of the papers they were presented.

Furthermore, Jacqueline alleged that /Goagoseb not only evicted them but also damaged their property during the process. 

“They destroyed three of our shacks that were in the yard, and we didn’t have a choice but to leave because the men were aggressive,” she added.

She added that /Goagoseb had the audacity to instruct some men to guard the house and not to allow anyone inside.

 This drawn out saga began in 2019 when the family learned of the house’s impending sale, prompting them to open a case against Floritha and also file a lawsuit against the new owner of the house (/Goagoseb).

/Gaogoseb, is defending the suit and instituted a countersuit in which he claims the cost of the suit and the refund of the money he paid for the house in question. 

According to court documents, he paid N$360 000 to Floritha in December 2019 for the house.

The matter will be heard in court next month.

Complicating matters further, Floritha is currently serving a jail sentence for the murder of her lover.

Rebekka expressed sadness over her daughter’s actions, feeling betrayed by her own child.

Tearfully, she recounted how, in 2018, Florida had requested her signature, allegedly to get her late husband’s pension money, who was employed by the Namibia Defence Force. 

Trusting her daughter completely, Rebekka signed the document without realising that it would be the catalyst for her current predicament.

Illiterate herself, Rebekka relied on the trust she had in her daughter and did not question the contents of the papers she was signing.

“I am disheartened by my daughter’s actions. I didn’t expect her to betray me like this. Where do I go with my children and grandchildren,” cried Rebekka.

Adding to the family’s ordeal, Rebekka’s granddaughter, Jamaica, emphasised that seeing the previously loving relationship between Floritha and her mother, one could not fathom the betrayal.

“Months before my grandmother signed those documents, my aunt (Floritha) would buy her flashy things, do her nails and even promise to take her out of the house and move her to another house she apparently owns,” narrated Jamaica.

Over six decades of cherished memories now hang in the balance as the family, who had called the house their home for generations, was left reeling.

Attempts to get hold of /Goagoseb proved futile.

New Era also tried contacting the constituency councillor, Rodman Katjaimo whose phone rang unanswered.
