
Farmers’ Kraal – Improving livestock genetics is vital

Home Agriculture Farmers’ Kraal – Improving livestock genetics is vital
Farmers’ Kraal – Improving livestock genetics is vital

What does a livestock farmer desire when he embarks on improving the genetics of his cattle? 

Differently put, why is it important to improve the genetics of your herd? Possibly, the production of more meat or milk – and maybe when you are not satisfied with what you are producing, right?

Improved genetics requires better management, which include the improvement in the nutritional needs of the herd, among other things. 

Therefore, should a farmer aim to improve genetics, he should observe what he has, the condition of what he has and how much he has. 

It is from these observations that the farmer will be able to find the best way of improving production.

The nutrition of cattle here in Namibia is based mainly on pasture. Given that most of these pastures are degraded or in the process of deterioration, such a situation affects the productivity of cattle and in return negatively impacts the farmer’s livelihood.

In recent years, this situation has been compounded due to variations in the climate; some of which are much more intense and critical in certain seasons of the year. 

Climatic variations can be evident in such a short period – but of course we can adapt ourselves to produce better under those conditions. 

The major impact of these climatic changes is reflected on the nutrition of the cattle, especially when the nutrition of the animal is solely dependent on grass or pasture.

My experience has taught me that the first step is to observe the condition of the animal – not from the health standpoint but whether the animal is comfortable, in good, regular or bad condition, which can be the equivalent of fat, lean or regular. 

Cattle need nutrients, such as water, protein, energy, minerals and vitamins to grow, produce milk or meat; reproduce, carry out physical activity and maintain themselves in good condition regardless of the season of the year.

Cattle can eat anything, but not everything offered to cattle could be best. 

Therefore, before answering the question, what is best to feed cattle? Ask yourself, why do I have cattle? 

The answer could be because you like to have animals or because it is a means of generating income. 

If the latter is closer to your answer, you should carefully review what the cattle eat so that you can accomplish your objective of generating profits.

It is, therefore, vital that you decide what type of farming mode you are into and what the main reasons for farming with livestock are. 

This is vital, as it will also determine what kind of breeds to farm with. 

There is no logic in farming with a breed that has a lean carcass weight when you farm for meat, or having a breed with low milk yield if milk production is your business.

In the end, improving your cattle genetics will indeed rake in profits, and you do not need a 100k bull for that; start small with a cheaper but strong bull and build your genetics over the years by introducing stronger and better bulls into your herd over the years. 

If possible, try adding a few heifers of good genetics to your herd to mate with your acquired bulls so that you have a faster turnaround time.

Most importantly, choosing your bull breeds, character and temperament wisely for your decision could mean the difference between profits and losses.
