
Farmers’ Kraal with Charles Tjatindi – Let it rain, let it rain!

Home Agriculture Farmers’ Kraal with Charles Tjatindi – Let it rain, let it rain!
Farmers’ Kraal with Charles Tjatindi –   Let it rain, let it rain!

 Farming can get challenging during the rainy season. With slippery paths and wet surfaces caused by heavy storms and downpour, it is important to be safe from the dangers that farming and other agricultural activities might entail. 

Farm equipment is made of iron and are therefore prone to rust if exposed to heavy rain. Similarly, exposing wooden equipment to rainfall could cause decay. 

However, the most dangerous of them all is exposing electrical farm equipment to rain so ensure that exposed or bad wires on any equipment are fixed promptly. 

Also, it may not out-rightly show that water has damaged equipment. If you use a farm tool, with no idea that some parts have been damaged by water, the results could be disastrous. To prevent this, make sure you lock your equipment in a safe, dry place, and don’t leave them out overnight. 

If you have an open water source on your farm, ensure they’re properly protected during the rainy season. 

It can be difficult to spot dams, and wells during the rainy season and one can easily fall in. Similarly, heavy rain could carry small livestock to those bodies of water. 

Establish barriers around these places by locking or fencing them in order to prevent accidents when it rains. 

There’s a reason why fruits and vegetables are to be stored in a cool, dry place. This is because moisture accumulation on these farm products could bring about microbial growth. 

Fungus such as mould could grow on these farm products. Consuming these infested products or selling them could be detrimental to one’s health. Also, if farm produce is ready to be harvested, leaving them in waterlogged soil could cause negative effects. 

You might also want to tie your farm equipment somewhere else, and not on electric poles. Also, livestock such as cows can get electrocuted so keep them away from electric outlets and live wires. 

If electric poles fall around your farm area, do not inspect it, as the wires could still be live. Call the right authorities to handle it. 

The rainy season is usually accompanied with cold, windy weather. Exposure to cold weather can increase your risk of getting infected with something detrimental to your health. 

When farming during this season, especially early in the morning, dress appropriately for the weather. Rain also brings worms and muddy water so ensure to wear the proper footwear to avoid exposing your feet to harmful bacteria and sharp objects. 

The rainy season also brings stagnant water, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, the primary transmitter of malaria. Ensure that farmhouses are sprayed with insecticides and always go to the farm with mosquito nets and mosquito repellent. 

Similarly, livestock diseases such as fowl pox and lumpy skin disease are common during the rainy season. Precautions such as keeping livestock feed away from rain and being mindful of where they graze should be taken. Livestock feed should also be kept from rain as they could also be contaminated. 

It is easy to become a victim on the farm during the rainy season. I hope these tips, which were compiled by speaking to various experts in the field, will help reduce the chances of that happening. Remember, prevention is better than cure. 

– tjatindi@gmail.com