
Father accused of incest gets trial dates

Home National Father accused of incest gets trial dates
Father accused  of incest gets  trial dates

A 45-year-old man who allegedly raped his biological daughter 15 times between 2018 and 2020, impregnated her, and forced her to abort the foetus, received his trial dates earlier this week. 

Windhoek High Court Judge Herman January informed the man, who may not be identified to protect the identity of his victim, that his trial will start on 4 December and run until 8 December for his plea.

According to the charge sheet, the man had sexual relations with his minor daughter on diverse occasions and when she fell pregnant, he forced her to abort. 

He is facing 15 counts of rape alternatively contravening the Combating of the Immoral Practices Act – to commit a sexual act with a child under the age of 16 years. He is also facing four counts of indecent assault, one count of pointing a firearm, and one count of assault by threatening. 

Additionally, he faces two counts of contravening the Abortion and Sterilisation Act, one count of administering alcohol or drugs, and one count of coercing or allowing children to take alcohol or other substances. All of the charges are read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act.

 It is alleged that the man, during the first school term and the second school term of 2019 touched the breast of his then 13-year-old minor daughter and sucked it. It is further alleged that he, thereafter, forced her to have sexual relations with him on several occasions. 

He also pointed a firearm at the girl and threatened to kill her, the charge sheet reads. Further, it is alleged that when the girl fell pregnant twice in 2019, he forced her to undergo an abortion on two occasions. He is also accused of supplying the minor with alcohol or other intoxicating substances to facilitate his desire to have intercourse with her.  

The man will be represented by lawyer Joseph Andreas on instructions of Legal Aid and the State by advocate Felicitas Sikerete.

– rrouth@nepc.com.na