
Father, son jailed 18 years for murder

Father, son jailed 18 years for murder

KATIMA MULILO – The Katima Mulilo Magistrate’s Court on Friday sentenced George Sibalatani (41) and his father Clemens Sibalatani (69) to 18 years imprisonment each for murder. 

The duo was sentenced for the murder of Lemmy Mutonga (52), who was a deputy director in the Ministry of Works and Transport at the time of his death. 

The court further gave them two years each for possession of a firearm without a licence.

Meanwhile, Calyson Sibalatani (32) and Patrick Sibalatani (47) were each sentence to two years imprisonment on the count of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. George was found guilty of murder with direct intent for shooting Mutonga on 6 June 2019, and his father (Clemens) was convicted of murder with direct intent after he instructed his son to shoot Mutonga. 

Mutonga, who was based in Windhoek had travelled to the Zambezi region to relocate his cattle from a temporary cattle post at Bukalo, to Naziabo village in Nankuntwe area in Kabbe South constituency. 

At the time, he had an unresolved land dispute with the Sibalatani family.

After a fight erupted between the two families, George fatally shot Mutonga in the face with a shotgun. During sentencing, Magistrate Barry Mufana stated that the accused persons did not show remorse during the trial, and that they were unrepentant for what they did.

“It is clear that the death of the Mutonga means nothing to them,” said Mufana while delivering his judgment. He added that “it is befitting to state that the deceased was shot in cold blood, careless, cruel, violent and inhuman manner.”

Mufana also stated that Clemens as a parent should have advised his children not to take the law into their own hands. He added that it is so disturbing to hear how the death of Mutonga not only affected his family but also the community at large.

“I have no reason not to agree that the void left by the deceased in his family is so huge that it may not be filled by anyone. His children and more specifically his young children will have to grow up without a father figure and other difficult circumstances,” he stated.

George and Clemens were represented by Jermaine Muchali, while Calyson and Patrick Sibalatani were represented by Mowa Chaka. Johan Pienaar represented the State.

*Aron Mushaukwa is an information officer at MICT Zambezi.