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There are so many precautions we are told that would benefit us as women when it comes to sexual intercourse. However, many a times, the simplest ones aren’t fully disclosed nor discussed because they are deemed as part of what every other woman should know about themselves. I recently realised that not a lot of women know that there are a lot of benefits to peeing after sex. Yes, even when you do use a condom with your partner. 

During conversations with women, not a lot pee after sex and not a whole lot know why they ought to do so. So, normally when you just had sex with your partner, you ought to pee within 30 minutes of having sex. This is because peeing flushes bacteria out of the body, which may help prevent a urinary tract from developing.

One of the main reasons why this is important is because it prevents Urinary Tract Infections, also known as UTIs. This is one of the primary benefits of peeing after sex and it is because it helps to flush out bacteria that may have entered the urethra during sexual activity. This reduces the risk of developing UTIs, which can cause discomfort and pain. 

I am sure we have all had a bladder infection, if not, good for you. However, it is a painful experience and very uncomfortable. By urinating after sex, you can help eliminate any bacteria that may have entered the bladder. 

Peeing after sex also helps you maintain a healthy urethra. It keeps it clean and clear of any potential irritants or bacteria. This can help prevent urethritis, which is inflammation of the urethra, and other related complications.

Prevents Kidney infections: By urinating after sex, you can help prevent the ascent of bacteria from the urethra to the bladder and kidneys. This reduces the risk of developing a kidney infection, which can be a more serious condition requiring medical intervention.

Peeing after sex helps to keep you clean generally. It helps to maintain cleanliness in the genital area. It can also help remove any lubricants, semen, or other fluids that may have accumulated during intercourse.

For women who are into vigorous sex activities, peeing after sex is also important because it can also help alleviate any pressure or discomfort caused by vigorous sexual activity. Emptying the bladder after sex can also provide a sense of relief and comfort, especially if the bladder was full during sexual activity.

Remember, these benefits apply to both men and women, as both can be susceptible to urinary tract and bladder infections. It is important to note that peeing after sex is not a guarantee of complete protection against infections, but it is a simple and effective practice that can significantly reduce the risk.