
Female mechanics break stereotyping

Home National Female mechanics break stereotyping

RITFONTEIN – Newly trained female auto-mechanics Ester Nangolo (23) and Phoibe Shimaneni (25) narrated in an interview with New Era their road to success was no stroll in the park.

Nangolo explained they both deliberately took up auto-mechanics to dispel the stereotypical view that only men can become automotive mechanics.

Shimaneni also wanted to show the nation that a woman can do whatever men can do.

“People would call us incompetent and claim that we could not do anything – even our classmates – but in the end we proved them wrong and today we are on the same level. The guys all respect us professionally as they would any other mechanic out there,” explained Shimaneni.

Nangolo was no exception as she had to endure ceaseless taunting and mockery from her male colleagues due to the field she chose.

“They would call us bush mechanics and now that we have proven ourselves, our peers say, ‘You are male mentally of course’,” laughed Nangolo.

Friends would urge them to switch from auto-mechanics to more feminine fields such as hospitality, hairdressing and cosmetology.

Although they did not voice it the parents of both ladies had serious doubt about their becoming mechanics.

“When we first told them both our parents asked if we were sure we could become a mechanic. Now that we have graduated they are proud,” said Nangolo.

“We can fix anything, from a car’s gearbox to the cooling system, ignition system and even a seized engine is a small feat now, although in the beginning all this was a struggle,” explained Shimaneni.

By John Travolter Matali