Fifa NC calls for submission of election results

Home National Fifa NC calls for submission of election results

WINDHOEK – The FIFA Normalisation Committee (NC) has called on member organisations affiliated to the Namibia Football Association (NFA) to submit reports and results of their leadership committees’ elections in order to assist with the normalisation of the mother body.

 As per their mandate, one of the tasks of the FIFA Normalisation Committee is to act as an electoral committee and executive committee of the NFA. Once elections are organized, a new executive committee would be elected once elections at membership level has been finalized. 

 “The plan is to know who has conducted the elections and where those members genuinely constituted and also see to it that we assist others to elect regional or member level leadership. This will then inform us on how we progess in terms of getting to the Association’s Executive Committee Elections as per our mandate,” says Hilda Basson-Namundjebo, Chairperson of the Fifa Normalisation Committee.

 The NFA Secretariat last week sent out a memo to the NFA members to provide Executive Committee members dates of elections and indication of terms of office, so that the information can be verified.

 “We have received some feedback and we are now busy verifying this information to make sure that they were done according to the policies and procedures that guides them. 

We call for increased transparency and due diligence during this time to enable us to get members in good standing which will enable us to deliver a free, fair and credible election, ” explains Basson-Namundjebo.

 The Bureau of the International Federation of Association Football (Fifa) Council on 8 February 2019 announced the normalisation committee that will be heading the Namibia Football Association (NFA). The focal person to ensure good standing with the Football Association is Mr Franco Cosmos, Vice Chairperson. 

 The committee members are Hilda Basson-Namundjebo (Chairperson), Franco Cosmos (Vice-Chairperson) while other committee members are Gabby Ahrens, Matti Mwandingi, and Vivienne Katjiuongua.  The Normalisation Committee for the Namibia Football Association (NFA) is in accordance with Article (14 par. 1 a) and Article (8 par. 2) of the Fifa Statutes.