
FIFA Report Lashes NFA

Home Archived FIFA Report Lashes NFA

By Kuvee Kangueehi WINDHOEK The FIFA Goal Project has described the efforts by the Namibia Football Association (NFA) Secretariat to implement the Long Term Strategic Plan (LTP) as inadequate. In a strongly worded letter the FIFA development officer Ashford Mamelodi stated that “the implementation of the LTP to date was generally inadequate and has consequently fallen significantly behind in respect of almost all the seven categories addressed by the plan”. The observation from the world football governing body follows their recent visit to Namibia almost three weeks ago. The FIFA delegation, which was headed by Mamelodi, also comprised of Ben Koufie and Sethibe. Mamelodi noted that FIFA’s position, which arises from the workshop held in Windhoek, indicated that a number of factors have contributed one way or the other to the unsatisfactory state of affairs. FIFA attributed the failure on the part of the secretariat to ensure closer monitoring of the implementation of the plan as one of the bigger attributing factors. He said there is a lack of support, including financial, to the different categories even if the activity was approved by Fifa and money allocated. “For example, it would appear that the Referees’ Committee, although very enthusiastic and determined, have not been able to meet on account of lack of funds and this is despite the fact there has been a regular allocation for referees.” Mamelodi added that it is very clear that had the committee been supported and meetings facilitated, the referees could have achieved far more in respect of the LTP implementation. “Another example of lack of support was in relation to the Sports Medicine category whose committee invariably always found it extremely difficult to draw funds from the secretariat even in respect of legitimate expenditure.” Although trying to be polite, Fifa could not hide its disappointment with the state of affairs at the NFA, and especially with the NFA Secretary General Alfeus Gawaseb. Ma-melodi stated that there is poor communication with the NFA secretariat and a number of stakeholders had complained about the problem. “They complained that it was almost always a challenge to engage the secretariat in a meaningful dialogue.” Fifa also added that the NFA Secretariat had failed to appoint key positions in its structure. “It is equally disappointing that the appointment of key management had fallen behind; these include finance, marketing and competition managers and this could be a contributing factor to the lack of effectiveness of the secretariat in respect of the implementation of the plan.” FIFA also expressed disappointment in the Technical Department of the NFA and noted that it lacked capacity. “The capacity of the Technical Department proved to be inadequate and the coaching courses which were held at considerable costs in various parts of the country – the content of these courses was very inadequate and unacceptable.” Mamelodi also noted that they were surprised that some of the regional coaches that had graduated from the Technical Director’s courses could not read, write or express themselves in English despite passing the courses. FIFA also recommended that the NFA seriously reconsider the positions of Gawaseb and Technical Director Seth Boois. ” It will become important for the NFA to critically assess their capacities in respect of general administration and the technical department, the latter being critical for any meaningful development in the areas of youth, women and technical courses, to take place.”