
First-ever HeLeads summit on the cards

Home National First-ever HeLeads summit on the cards
First-ever HeLeads summit on the cards

This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness in May was ‘More than Enough’. It is against this background that Liezel Ndjaronguru and her team are embarking on hosting the first-ever HeLeads summit in October.

The event is a self-development event for men by men. She told VIBEZ! there is a war increasing daily among the men of our society with respect to mental health, masculinity and success. 

“It is often overlooked there has been no greater time for us to take the lead and make our voices known to shape this very vital part of our society. We at Divas and Gents Lifestyle Fitness Centre believe men deserve to be honoured, celebrated and groomed too. Men’s mental health is as important,” she explained.

After hosting successful events for the Little Black Dress over the years, Ndjaronguru promises this will be no exception.

The Little Black Dress project, which symbolises the embodiment of power, confidence and strength, has been in existence for the past three years. 

She feels the time is right for men to also take centre stage and have an opportunity for all of us to come together and remember the inherent value we each hold – this year will be the first. 

“This event is a self-development event for men by men – men in all occupations of any age. Our main focus is mental health; expect an event like no other. We are going all out for our gents.”

Hip-hop legend Jericho, who will be performing at the summit, said mental health in men is too often overlooked.

“The fact is depression in men is real. I, too, had a very difficult journey and consciously made it a point to stay sane. It has not been easy. So, with an event like HeLeads, we need to grab it with both hands because it will benefit us in all the right ways,” he admitted.

Ndjaronguru’s career started in the health industry, where she began her career as a pharmacist assistant and later on started her gym, called Divas Fitness. 

Ndjaronguru is also of the opinion that men suffer in silence and do not get the necessary support, compared to their female counterparts. 

“Yes, definitely they do; the suicide rate is highest in men. That is obvious enough that we need to start laying a special focus on men. Men’s mental health is too often overlooked,” she added.  

Arthur Nanub, better known as Damara Dik Ding, who is also one of the guests, said by attending HeLeads, men will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, gain valuable insights and foster meaningful relationships. 

“Our goal is to create an inclusive and supportive community where men can exchange ideas, challenge societal expectations and unlock their full potential,” he said.

“It is a movement. We invite men from all walks of life to join us in this empowering journey so that together we can redefine masculinity, break barriers and build a brighter future for men in Namibia. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of something truly extraordinary. Register now and secure your place at HeLeads.” 

The summit will see the likes of Willy Mertens, the CEO of Debmarine, who has served in several roles in the diamond industry for over 20 years. 

Gregor Areseb is an athletic performance trainer/coach in Windhoek. 

He holds a Bachelor of Accounting and Finance Degree from the then-Polytechnic of Namibia – now NUST. Gregor also obtained an Exercise Science Diploma from Trifocus Fitness. 

The master of ceremonies will be Dwaine Ndjaronguru and Sam Kaulinge.

Award-winning artists Jericho, Effy and Waters will grace the stage as the entertainment package.

The event will be held at Arebbusch Travel Lodge, with a ticket costing N$450.

Tickets will be available at the Divas and Gents Lifestyle Fitness Centre, Khomasdal Mall, opposite Dawid Bezuidenhout High School.

– slunyangwe@nepc.com.na