
First Lady Launches Women’s Magazine

Home Archived First Lady Launches Women’s Magazine

By Surihe Gaomas WINDHOEK First Lady Penehupifo Pohamba launched the first ever edition of a magazine that highlights the achievements and contributions of Namibian women while commemorating Namibian Women’s Day on Saturday at State House. She is the patron. The glossy, 64-page publication entitled Namibian Women with a Mission brings to light the significant achievements and life stories of prominent women like the Deputy Prime Minister Dr Libertina Amathila, the Managing Director of NamDeb Inge Zaamwani, Ophthalmologist Dr Helena Ndume and even the late Swapo political functionary and humanitarian Meekulu Putuse Appolus. Ideally, the launch of the magazine falls well in line with the positive contributions Namibian women have made towards socio-economic development and nation building. With the women all dressed in white including First Lady Pohamba, the commemoration of Namibian Women’s Day was marked with positive speeches and poetry. Addressing the over 40 women from the public and private sector at the breakfast launch on Saturday, the First Lady felt women were making excellent strides and attaining greater heights in society. In light of this, women are said to be bringing diversity and energy and assisting in nation building as a whole. “It is women who raise the future generation, who provide nurture for patients at hospitals, who educate the thousands at schools and who ensure they are clothed, fed and warmly dressed,” said the First Lady. She noted that women provide the vital emotional stability in homes and in communities. However, despite these achievements, the challenge of the growing problem of violence against women and children still prevails in the country. Yet, the First Lady said, it is only through unity of purpose and action that this issue could be addressed effectively. The launch of the new magazine also coincides with the last day of the White Ribbon Campaign, also known as the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign. In view of this, the latest publication is seen as a practical step towards increasing awareness about the achievements of women in society, whilst at the same time inspiring the Namibian girl child to strive to contribute positively towards socio-economic development. Stressing the importance of positive thinking and attitude for Namibian women to succeed in society, Minister of Information and Broadcasting Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah urged women to get rid of the negative approach to life. “We must try at all times to build on a positive attitude and to take risks in order to achieve something in life. We should not allow the negative part of life to take centre stage, but rather it is important for us to make the best out of life,” she said. The magazine that was compiled in less than four weeks would be distributed to most school libraries and educational institutions in the country. The commemoration of Namibian Women’s Day over the weekend ended with an inspirational poem by poet Christi Warner entitled: “Let the Drum Roll”. The poem focused on the strong role of women in society. December 10 is also the birthday of Dr Libertina Amathila, the Deputy Prime Minister.