
Fiscal prudence key for success

Home National Fiscal prudence key for success

Steven Klukowski

AROAB – Elsa Laubscher, the CEO of the Aroab Village Council, said there is not really a “magic recipe” that resulted in the town’s sound financial management and good administration.

She made these remarks during a constituency information sharing day recently held at the town. While addressing community members on completed development projects that took place during the last three financial years, she highlighted the extension of water and electricity services for residents, storm water infrastructure and road maintenance, as examples.

Reporting on continuing projects, Laubscher noted that her office is busy constructing more storm water infrastructure that is projected to be completed by April 2020. 
“We are furthermore in the process of allocating low-cost housing plots to those residents not having homes and registration of it are in its final stages at the deeds office,” she said.

In terms of council’s own-sourced projects Laubscher proudly announced the purchasing of a new bus and server pump as well as the upgrading of the council’s self-catering accommodation establishment.
The CEO further informed the audience that several projects were earmarked by her office for the upcoming financial year. 

“These include amongst others the service of 54 low-cost housing plots (funded by National Planning Commission), construction of low-cost housing under the Build Together Programme, implementation of our next five-year strategic plan, Bonsec Development project and lastly the upgrading of the swimming pool,” she explained.  

During a follow-up interview with New Era Laubscher explained that there are currently no shacks in the town. “What we have in place is a revolving scheme under our Build Together Programme whereby we accommodate these homeless people in brick-structured houses,” she added.

She further said that water levels in the town are satisfactory with the good rains they received. “As a saving measure we do however close the taps between 23h00 and 04h00 daily in order to give NamWater ample time to fill up the dams.”

As a means of supplementing their income the village council embarked on income-generating businesses that include a guesthouse, daily transport service to and from Keetmanshoop, a brick-making project, small livestock farming, gardening project and the leasing of land outside town to residents for farming purposes. 
It does, however, rely heavily on public funds for capital projects such as the servicing of land and infrastructural development.