
Fishcor and Unam sign cooperation MoU

Home National Fishcor and Unam sign cooperation MoU

LÜDERITZ – The National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (Fishcor) and the University of Namibia (Unam) on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), for collaborative work, in Lüderitz.

The two institutions said they acknowledge the strategic significance of one another and crucial roles that both play in contributing to the social and economic development of Namibia, specifically assist government attain Vision 2030. 
The MoU will address collaboration and partnership, in capacity-building and continuous professional development, promoting joint academic research activities, sharing of publications and academic materials and undertake projects deemed to be of mutual interest and benefit to both parties.

In his speech, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Namibia Prof. Kenneth Matengu stated that the two parties feel very strongly that the MoU they signed will respond more effectively towards addressing some of the needs which pertain specifically to Fishcor and its group of companies while also providing an opportunity for Fishcor to do more things in addition to fishing operations as determined by company’s mandate, and which hitherto have not been explored or undertaken.

He said Unam undertook a needs analysis study to determine whether there was need to establish a school of marine systems engineering in an effort to respond to the government’s Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5). 

NDP5 recognises the critical importance of the blue economy in the country’s sustainable development and growth, involving industries and resources such as fisheries and aquaculture, water resources, shipping and transport, tourism, marine energy, minerals, genetic resources, pharmaceutics, blue carbon trading, biotechnology and general sea products in the implementation of NDP5.

Matengu said the proposed school would be multidisciplinary in nature and will address several fields of study which Namibia currently does not have the capacity to address. 

These will include, but not limited to coastal engineering (also involving port/harbour protection), marine resources and energy, electronics engineering which would also involve marine robotics for marine resource monitoring, marine environmental engineering, maritime transport and logistics, marine management and policies including maritime law, marine spatial planning, and maritime engineering.

All these fields, Matengu said, are critical to successfully and sustainably exploit the blue economy in its broadest sense.
Matengu explained that an initiative of this nature and magnitude cannot be undertaken by Unam alone without the support and cooperation of important stakeholders like Fishcor.
A joint committee will be expected to prepare the MoU’s terms of reference, which will then be approved by both parties.