
Fisheries advisory council asked to do more

Home Archived Fisheries advisory council asked to do more

SWAKOPMUND – The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernard Esau, has asked the Marine Resources Advisory Council (MRAC) to carefully study policy and legislation pertaining to the council’s mandate of advising the minister on issues related to the fishing industry. The minister also remarked that a governance framework plan, to be prepared by the council, should define various activities to guide the members on their role and the relationship of key stakeholders and should address the issues such as required standards of conduct as well as duties and responsibilities, appointments and conditions of tenure and essential council documents, amongst others.

“I am glad to mention here that to advise on different matters and provide solutions is not an easy task, and that is why the induction workshop is critical and will provide an avenue for sharing how to address the mandate,” said Esau at the induction workshop this week for the council, which was established in 2001. Esau added that the success of the induction workshop would largely hinge on a proper sharing and understanding of the mandate and role of the council members as prescribed in the Marine Resources Act (2000).

The chairperson of the MRAC, Ulitala Hiveluah, who is also the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, noted that since its inception the council was mainly concerned about the total allowable catch for the fishing industry. “The council should do more. For instance, committees within the council should be institutionalized to address all issues affecting the industry,” remarked Hiveluah. She added that the council should account for its activities in an annual report and recommended that the members look at similar institutions within the government to compare best practices.

The Marine Resources Advisory Council was established in 2001 but has a long history dating back to 1992 under the Sea Fisheries Act (1992). The council is a legal entity as prescribed under Part 5 of the Marine Resources Act (2000).


By Edgar Brandt