
Fisheries ministry focusses on Sustainable Blue Economy Policy 

Home National Fisheries ministry focusses on Sustainable Blue Economy Policy 

Maihapa Ndjavera

WINDHOEK – Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources last week held a consultative workshop on Namibia’s Sustainable Blue Economy Policy development that took place in Windhoek. The same exercise also took part in Walvis Bay during the course of last week. 

The Blue Economy is defined as a concept that ensures sustainable and integrated development of the ocean economy. It seeks to ensure that there is environmental sustainability, social and economic inclusivity, and a sustainable economic development approach to all marine activities in the country. Blue economy differs from ocean economy in that it must include the three pillars of blue economy in order to be considered blue, namely environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social inclusion.  

According to Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard Esau, the Blue Economy is the utilisation of ocean resources in a manner that sustains the overall ocean base. 

The process of formulating Namibia’s Blue Economy policy has been outlined in the fifth National Development Plan (NDP 5) and thus the recent workshop was a crucial first step to achieving this national goal. 

Participants at the workshop applauded the inter-ministerial committee comprised of nine ministries (Fisheries and Marine Resources, International Relations and Cooperation, Land Reform, Mines and Energy, Environment and Tourism, National Planning Commission, Works and Transport, Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development and the Office of the Attorney General), for their efforts and achievements of the blue economy policy formulation road-map to date. 

The Blue Economy in Namibia includes fisheries, marine mining, marine and coastal tourism, maritime transport and coastal infrastructure such as ports, towns and coastal industries. 

Esau noted that a marine business cannot be considered blue economy if it does not minimise its negative impacts on the environment, does not have an inclusive ownership structure, and does not maximise creation of jobs.

“I would like to extend a special invitation to all Namibians, either individually or organisations such as private sector/industry organisations in our marine economy, non-governmental organisations, inter-governmental organisations, who are in one way or another seized with sustainability issues in the marine or any other aquatic systems, to come forward and participate in this process either through the workshops, or by making written submissions to the secretariat,” concluded Esau.