
Fisheries stakeholders bless Khomas with N$700 000

Home National Fisheries stakeholders bless Khomas with N$700 000
Fisheries stakeholders bless Khomas with N$700 000

Efraim Ranjeni


The National Fish Consumption Trust (NFCPT) hosted their annual gala dinner to raise funds for a specific region. This year, the Khomas region, specifically the education sector, was the recipient of the funds raised on the evening.

Stakeholders in the fishing industry, representatives of government institutions and a number of councillors from the Khomas region attended the event and made pledges in their personal capacities and on behalf of their institutions.

The 10th edition of the gala dinner was held last Wednesday at Droombos on the outskirt of Windhoek. 

The dinner raised N$762 500, which Khomas governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua said will go towards the education sector. She said the evening was important.

“The objective is to raise funds to cater for some challenging social responsibilities in the region, particularly in the education sector,” said McLeod-Katjirua. 

The event, which marked a milestone of 10 years, aims to make Namibia’s seafood accessible to Namibians and promote the consumption of fish. 

It was themed ‘We bring the Fish to the Nation’. 

The fundraising event was hosted in previous years by Kunene, Oshikoto, Kavango West, Erongo, Omaheke, //Kharas, Oshana, Omusati and Otjozondjupa. The NFCPT has committed to the minister of fisheries to host it in all 14 regions. Since its inception, it has mobilised N$5.5 million in total. 

Speaking at the event, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Derek Klazen, acknowledged the National Fish Consumption Day is dedicated to celebrating Namibian fisheries. 

“On this day, we remind ourselves of the nutritional and economic benefits of Namibian fish,” said Klazen. 

The minister noted the N$5.5 million raised was utilised in assisting various community projects, mostly towards supporting education.  

“These funds have been invested in school needs, such as mattresses, bunk beds, chairs, desks, lockers, fridges, computers, printers, uniforms, bags of cement, and utensils to the host regions,” indicated Klazen. 

“This gesture is indeed a demonstration of the commitment by stakeholders in the fishing industry to contribute to achieving quality education for our children,” he said. 

McLeod-Katjirua said the fundraising dinner is an opportunity to address the terrorising challenges that faces the region. 

“Khomas, as the capital region, is confronted with numerous education challenges emanating from high annual enrolment which surpass the carrying capacity of our education facilities,” she said.