Fishman album enters music shelves

Home National Fishman album enters music shelves

 Onesmus Embula

Fishman has released a 16-track album, Man in the Mirror, under his new record label, Numba Busy.
 “I sing more about love and advocated for hardworking, discipline and spirit of team work on this project,” says he adding it is an afro pop album seeking to encourage everyone fighting life’s battles and challenging situations not to give up. “I worked with a number of very talented producers such as Glo, Momento, Sean and Bex Carter,” says Fishman. He collaborated with artists such as Maestro, Khalifa from Camouflage Namibia, Bantu, Alco Vibe and Buju katyoko.

The energetic Fishman further says his music career has so far been very good despite minor challenges of tight CD sales in most cases, and the fragile market for Namibian music. “I manage to get a label that is very professional and knows the music business better, so I am happy and here to stay,” he says. However, the music industry is growing and he is particularly inspired to notice new artists on board and securing performance deals. “Artist like Gazza, King TeeDee and Tate Buti motivate me even more to see them still standing doing what they believe in and that is music,” he observes.
Man in the Mirror album is available countrywide, selling for N$160 and on all streamline platforms such as iTunes and Spotify.