
Fitness flourishes in the heart of Ombili

Fitness flourishes in the heart of Ombili

Limba Mupetami

“I am stronger than most of these boys here. They are small boys. I show them how to lift weights properly so that they don’t injure themselves. But some think they are stronger than me,” said a chuckling Ben Ben, a regular at Ondumbo Niise Gym in Ombili.

The gym, located on Omuvapu Street, is not difficult to miss, as there is always a group of people exercising and chatting. 

The gym is owned by Johannes Moses Jackson. Jackson arrived in the city years ago looking for a better life. But just like many, he found himself doing odd jobs and not really having any reliable income. 

However, because he loves exercising, he used money earned from doing odd jobs to buy equipment in 2000 and turned half of the one-room shack, which he also shares with his two brothers and cousin into a gym.  

The humble establishment has close to 200 people who frequent it according to the owner.

Despite its modest appearance, the gym has become a beacon of hope, and health and a social spot in the community. 

The owner, who has a passion for weightlifting, said he enjoys being surrounded by people and helping them embark on their fitness journeys. For a modest fee of N$150, fitness enthusiasts of all ages and genders can access the gym, which is open seven days a week. 

Jackson dreams of expanding the facility to accommodate more people from the surrounding areas, recognising the growing interest in fitness within the community. He acknowledges the need for more training equipment to improve the gym’s offerings and enhance the experience for its members.

But for now, he said that he will continue to make do with what he has and hopes that good Samaritans can help him out with gym equipment they don’t need, to further boost his modest gym.

Another regular, Augustinus Sakaria emphasises the gym’s positive impact on his life. “It’s a great stress reliever and a way to keep away from alcohol, which is very prevalent in our community,” he shared. The gym offers a constructive outlet, with some of the gym goers coming to share stories and seek advice apart from just training.

One of the gym’s earliest members, Trust Tende, recalls the early days when the gym opened “We were all excited. Some of us work odd jobs and when you return home, there is nothing to do. Now, we have something to occupy our time with. And the price is good, not like those expensive gyms,” said Tende. 

“The guys mostly enjoy lifting weights and showing off their strength and muscles. The ladies are also now getting into that trend,” he added. 

Maria Sakaria, a dedicated gym-goer for the past year and a half, values the social aspect of her workouts. “I enjoy catching up with my friends at the gym and just staying fit. I plan on getting more ladies in the community to join. The healthier you are, the happier you are,” she said. 
