An Educational Play on Teenage Pregnancy By Staff reporter The Ombetja Yehinga Organisation is embarking on a new exciting drama production, Five Minutes of Pleasure, following the success of the Hostel Monologues, it was announced in a press release. According to the AIDS organization more than 10 700 people have seen the live production of the Hostel Monologues and more than 10 000 people the DVD, which has also been broadcast on local television. The community organization is currently working on two dialogues on the theme ‘teenage pregnancy’. “A team of seven delegates from the UK (three students and four experts), sponsored by LiveEd, came to Namibia over Easter to meet with a team of four OYO representatives (three students and one expert). The six students put their heads together to write two short plays on the theme. The two plays were then combined into one story,” the statement said. In short, the play deals with 15-year-old Samantha, who despite the advice of her friend Rebecca falls in love with Mousa. “She knows Mousa is a player, but he is so charming she can’t resist him when, during a party, he invites her to go upstairs with him. Rebecca could have helped, but she was too involved with her own complicated love story with Jeffrey to even notice what was going on. Meanwhile, Tanya, 17 years old and Anthony, 19, have to struggle to raise their young son, Titus. Anthony had planned to go to university and become an engineer, but the news of Tanya’s pregnancy had changed his plan.” Teenage pregnancy is an issue all over the world. The UK is one of the countries in Europe with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy. In Namibia, it is a well-known problem, forcing many young girls to drop out of school. The play looks at the situation from the perspective of the young people involved. A 20-minute version of the play, “Five Minutes of Pleasure’ was presented in the UK recently in schools around London and at Stratford Circus as part of a youth festival. The full version of the play will be performed in Windhoek schools as well as the Kunene and Erongo regions later this month. ‘Five Minutes of Pleasure’ will also be performed on July 18 and 19 at the Bank Windhoek Theatre School.
2007-07-102024-04-23By Staff Reporter