
Five-year-old shares his sodomy story

Home National Five-year-old shares his sodomy story

OSHAKATI – “It was painful and I was screaming, but he told me to keep quiet or else he would beat me,” a five-year-old boy from one of Oshakati’s informal settlements described the chilling details of the day he was allegedly sodomised by an older boy from the same location.

The outspoken boy narrated that he was playing soccer with other children in the street when his alleged rapist called him to his house.

When the boy got to his house, he allegedly took him to the bathroom, pulled his trousers half way and allegedly repeatedly raped him.

“He said I should lean down with my hands holding the toilet pot and he did satanic things on my behind,” the boy narrated.
Not even his screams could deter his alleged rapist who instead threatened to beat up the boy.

When he was allegedly done, the boy joined his peers in the street and continued to play soccer, but did not speak about it with the mother.

The aftermath of the ordeal is that the boy currently has difficulties sitting down as he nurses a big wound between his legs.
The mother, whose identity cannot be revealed to protect the victim, said she only learned about the alleged rape when an elderly woman from the location noticed the child sitting on one buttock.

“And that is how we learned that he was molested,” the mother said.
Meanwhile a case of rape, CR 120.09.2018 was opened with the police on Tuesday.
The boy was taken to the hospital for treatment but had to be directed to the Women and Child Protection Unit of the Namibian Police to open a case first before he could get treated.

Apart from the encounter with the alleged molester, a boy his age is also alleged to have lured him behind the Oshakati Independence Stadium where he also allegedly molested him.

Unconfirmed stories from the settlement also suggest that younger children are lured to watch sexual videos from a laptop from which they are lured to the stadium where they are also molested.
At the time of going to print, the suspect was not arrested but is alleged to be a school learner at one of the schools around Oshakati.