
Fix ailing heath system – Moongo 

Home National Fix ailing heath system – Moongo 

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) parliamentarian Winnie Moongo has raised concerns about the poor state of infrastructure at public hospitals, saying government should be focused on fixing the ailing health sector. 
Moongo said the sector would collapse if no immediate attention is paid to fixing the deteriorating infrastructure, as many state hospitals across the country are in a deplorable condition. 

“Just opposite the new N$700 million Swapo headquarters, the Katutura state hospital is in a state of disaster. The sanitary conditions are horrible. Rats and mice have infiltrated the hospital,” said Moongo who is also a nurse by profession. 
The MP, who is also the daughter of the late DTA vice president Phillemon Moongo, added the Katutura hospital was facing a shortage of medicine and equipment. 

“Food given to patients is meagre, unhealthy and insufficient. Expectant mothers are delivering babies on bare mattresses in our hospitals. Theatre cases are being delayed due to lack of staff, lack of oxygen supply and sterile equipment,” she said. 
“It is much worse. This is not only the condition at Katutura state hospital, but at every public health facility across the country. Honourable members, there is an urgent need to resuscitate the current state of our hospitals.” 
Moongo also said she was saddened by the abrupt closures of the government-owned National Health Training Centre (NHTC). 
She said the closure of the NHTC by the ministry has left a severe staff shortage at the hospitals and has left many young people in the streets with no hope to further or pursue their health careers.  

“I hope that the current budget addresses the closure of NHTC and reconsiders the reopening of such training centres in the near future if not soon as this will help solve the severe shortage the ministry is currently experiencing,” she said. 
“Our hospitals have become slaughter houses, where even patients with minor health issues and complications end up dying.”
– ktjitemisa@nepc.com.na