
Flags to fly at half-mast for hero Nambundunga

Home National Flags to fly at half-mast for hero Nambundunga

ONGWEDIVA – The Namibian flag is to be flown at half-mast from today until Saturday in honour of Major-General (Retired) Peter Kagadhinwa Nambundunga, the presidency announced Monday.

The press statement issued by presidential press secretary Alfredo Tjiurimo Hengari said Nambundunga will be buried at Omugulugwombashe in Omusati Region this Saturday.

Nambundunga died on January 14, 2019, at Ongwediva Medipark Hospital after an illness. He was 71. 
“A period of national mourning will be observed from Wednesday, 23 January 2019 to Saturday, 26 January 2019 during which all national flags must be flown at half-mast,” said Hengari. 

Nambundunga joined the liberation struggle in 1974 and  received basic military training in 1975. After his basic training, he formed part of the first intake of trainees at Kongwa in Tanzania. 

Due to his outstanding competencies, he was selected to become a Military Instructor at Kongwa. 
He rose through the ranks of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN), becoming a Political Commissar and eventually Chief of Logistics and member of the Military Council.  

At Namibia’s independence in 1990, Nambundunga was inducted in the Namibia Defence Force (NDF) with the rank of Colonel and he was appointed Chief of Staff for Logistics. 

Between 1990 and 2011, he served the Ministry of Defence in various capacities including Deputy Army Commander, Chief of Staff Personnel, Chief of Staff, Army Commander and Acting Chief of the Namibian Defence Force. 
The late retired major-general also commanded the Namibian troops during the operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where he was also appointed as Deputy Force Commander of SADC Forces in the DRC. 

“He participated and represented Namibia with distinction in the meetings of the Joint Verification Committee which oversaw the peace process in the DRC,” stated the presidency. 

As a retired major-general, in 2014 former President Hifikepunye Pohamba appointed him as the special advisor to the Governor of Ohangwena Region. 

He was again re-appointed to the same position in 2017 by Geingob. He held this position until his death. 
Having learned with sadness about the passing of Major-General (Retired) Peter Nambundunga, President Geingob said: “Major General (Retired) Nambundunga leaves behind a rich legacy of service in PLAN, and as Army Commander in the NDF.” 

He is survived by his wife Cecilia Nambundunga, 13 children and three sisters.