FLON to partner up with Merck foundation Fashion Awards

Home Lifestyle FLON to partner up with Merck foundation Fashion Awards

The First Lady of the Republic of Namibia will join hands with the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, Merck Foundation Fashion Awards, to empower infertile women.
  Under the theme “Merck More Than a Mother” the fashion awards are open to all women in Namibia and the rest of Africa. 

According to the statement, design ideas can also deliver messages to encourage men to speak openly about their infertility, because 50 per cent of infertility cases are due to male factor.

  They are calling upon all fashion designers and fashion students from Namibia to create a design with the aim to deliver strong and influential messages to empower infertile women and say “No to Infertility Stigma”. 
  The “Merck More than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards were launched in 2017 to emphasize the role of media in enhancing the public engagement and understanding of infertility stigma and the need to change its social perception in African communities.

  The applications are invited by media professionals to showcase their work to raise awareness about infertility prevention and breaking infertility stigma in Namibia and the rest of Africa.