WINDHOEK The FNCC will present a special screening Coast to Coast: “A Piece of my Heart”, followed by a discussion on Tuesday, February 21 at 19h30 at the cinema room. After their “South to South” adventure in 1999, Mike Blyth and Olivier Aubert started a new adventure after the Scot explorer Livingstone. For four months, they have flown in their ULM over the magnificent landscapes of southern Africa: the Zambezi River from its delta to the Victoria Falls, the Okavango, the Kunene River up to the Atlantic Ocean. The adventure is their tribute to the Wright Brothers and to the century elapsed since they created the first flying machine. As a celebration, they make African people met during their trip share their passion, taking them in the air to “visit the clouds”.
2006-02-202024-04-23By Staff Reporter