WINDHOEK – The drought could mean substantial shortages on fodder supply to milk farmers and therefore a drop in milk production.
Gunther Ling, Managing Director of Namibia Dairies – Namibia’s primary dairy, water and juice manufacturing company, says if fodder can be sourced, then it will most probably be at a very high incremental cost, which will cause financial stress on the milk farmers as well as any other farmers. “The increasing fodder costs as a result of drought could, however, overwhelm the manufacturer and consumer over time,” says he. Looking at the Namibia Dairies’ !Aimab Superfarm at Mariental, Ling explains that the Superfarm was an intensive milk producing farm and therefore not immediately affected by low rain fall. He adds, however, that a country-wide drought crisis would also reflect negatively on the Superfarm because of possible scarcity of fodder and increased pricing thereof. “Lucern prices have increased significantly in South Africa, not only because of short supply as a result of drought but also because of huge volumes exported to the dairy industry in the United Arab Emirates,” he says.
Lings adds that through their purpose statement, “creating a future, enhancing life”, they are proud to be associated with and support, amongst others, the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s Growth at Home strategy that aims to develop the economy through local growth. Therefore, despite the challenges that the current drought situation has on their business, the industry and country at large, they remain committed to serve Namibia with ‘Everyday Goodness’ through their premium Nammilk