
Former education director reburied in Ondobe

Home National Former education director reburied in Ondobe
Former education director reburied in Ondobe

ONDOBE – After a long struggle, the family of the late Laban Shapange, who was the education director of Omusati region, successfully got permission to rebury him at their homestead in Ondobe in Ohangwena region on Saturday.

Shapange’s body was relocated from Oniipa Cemetery to Ondobe because the family was unhappy that he was buried at Oniipa in Oshikoto region.

The family had been appealing to the government since 2021, to be granted permission to re-bury him in his ancestral home, and they got it their way.

The family had also appealed to the authorities to fence off the grave, but that has not been entertained.

Shapange succumbed to Covid-19 complications two years ago in the Onandjokwe hospital.

He was buried within 72 hours in line with the government’s Covid-19 burial protocols at the time. 

People from all over the country, including senior government officials gathered at the Ondobe Cemetery for the unveiling of Shapange’s tombstone.

Those who attended the event described Shapange as a dedicated man, a true leader and God-fearing man.

At the reburial, tears flowed as mourners continued to remember Shapange.

Some people who attended the event said they did not get a chance to mourn him because, at the time, movement of people was restricted because of Covid-19 protocols.

Shapange has been described as one of the most hard-working education directors who played a crucial role in the education sector.

His oldest son, Jeffrey Shapange said it was not easy to rebury their father in his ancestral home.

“We fought since 2021. We did not give up because my mother has been appealing to the government for permission to re-bury our father. My mother went to the courts several times where she spent a lot of money fighting to get the permit,” he said.

He expressed happiness that at least he can sleep peacefully now because their father was finally home.

“It was stressful to see our father buried in a grave full of water. We did not like it and our father did not deserve to be buried in such a way. Our father’s grave was always underwater during the rainy season,” he said.

Also speaking at the event Fillipus Haulofu, former pastor of Ondobe Elcin church, said Shapange was a good neighbour who used to help people in the village.

“He played a big role in Ondobe by assisting our church financially. We lost a kind man,” he said.

Haulofu thanked Shapange’s family for their efforts to fight for his burial.
