
Former NCIS chief refuses to go – Venaani

Home Front Page News Former NCIS chief refuses to go – Venaani

Selma Ikela

Windhoek-The president of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) McHenry Venaani has called on President Hage Geingob to reform the Namibia Central Intelligence Service (NCIS) as the agency has two de facto director generals – since its former chief Lucas Hangula refuses to leave.

Speaking at the PDM monthly press briefing, Venaani also said that because of Hangula’s refusal to go, NCIS permanent secretary Benedict Likando is also refusing to go on retirement.
Geingob appointed the current NCIS director general Philemon Malima in June 2015 replacing Lieutenant-General (retired) Lucas Hangula.

But Venaani said right now at the agency there is a predecessor by the name of Hangula who is paid the same salary as the director general – he gets the same perks and amenities.

Venaani added that the institution is sited with two men – one doing his work while the other earns a salary for nothing.

“We find it appalling, unacceptable and we call upon the head of state to reform the central intelligence agency. Let Mr Hangula resign, we don’t understand – if the president wanted Hangula to remain in the job why appoint Malima? And if he appointed a new DG then the former DG should leave forthwith,” Venaani said.

Venaani said that because of this development the morale among intelligence officers is low. “And you must find it very worrying when intelligence officers start briefing the official opposition on matters that are happening on intelligence,” noted Venaani.

Upon inquiry at the NCIS yesterday this reporter was informed by an unidentified woman at the secretive agency – who answered the office phone – that there was no one at the office as the PS and the DG were in a meeting. The woman did also not know what time the meeting would end. Venaani said it is a lie to say Hangula is “an advisor” to the DG but he (Venaani) questioned why he was receiving the same salary as the DG at this sensitive state institution whose work is veiled in secrecy. “On this score, PDM is pressing on the president to clarify the issues as they are unfolding at the central intelligence agency, where you have two bosses running one centre that is so key. Because central intelligence is very key in any country’s security establishment. It is supposed to ensure security and tap information that ensures security of that institution,” said Venaani.