Former presidents call for state land ownership

Home National Former presidents call for state land ownership

WINDHOEK – Former presidents Sam Nujoma and Hifikepunye Pohamba have both proposed that the current land conference in Windhoek finds modalities to ensure all land in the country is owned by the state in the interest of the public.
Pohamba, in fact, described as “unfortunate” that the conference has on its agenda the topic on ancestral land, a subject he said was counter-productive and pregnant with possibilities of negative consequences.

He cited interchanging patterns of land use by different communities and overlapping jurisdictions as some of the complexities that would make ancestral land claims a dangerous path to traverse.
“It is unfortunate that this topic has been included on the agenda for discussion,” he said, in his address to the conference.

“I call on participants to approach this topic with an open mind, and come up with a resolution that would be in the best interest of the country,” he said.

“I propose that the entire Namibian land, water and natural resources below and above the surface of the land … be placed under the ownership of the state,” he suggested.

Addressing the same event, Founding President Sam Nujoma said as a first step, Namibia must amend her constitution – through a referendum – to ensure all land belongs to the state.

He said he too believes the ancestral land issue “should not be entertained”.
“As Namibians, we fought for the total emancipation of our country and its territorial integrity,” he told delegates.
“Namibia is a unitary state and every Namibian citizen is allowed to resettle anywhere in the country, as provided for in our constitution,” he said.

“Land must belong to the state, to be administered by the government in accordance with our country’s needs,” he advised.