
Fostering the Spirit of Entrepreneurship: Self-Commitment in Business

Home Business Fostering the Spirit of Entrepreneurship: Self-Commitment in Business

By Wilfred Isak April

LAST week we explored how the non-governmental sector can be run based on strategic business principles. Today we will explore how we can develop a sense of self-commitment to reach business goals and dreams.  

If you are really committed to your business it will show through your actions. It is very easy to distinguish between someone who is committed to their business and those who are not. Last week I had a conversation with an old university friend who is very impressed with what others do, but she is not willing to assume the same risks. It is the firm belief of some Namibians that the company they are working for will take care of them. If you really wish to increase you sense of self-worthiness, you will not even say that someone is taking care of you. It is high time that we start taking care of ourselves and become intra-preneurs within our respective organisations. Some people work for top companies for 25 years and still do not feel worthy. 

These organisations usually spend billions of dollars on training and most people acquire the book knowledge, but their own attitudes and vision about themselves are limited. Their sense of deservedness says: “I can’t have that” or “I cannot just stand up and start thinking of running my own business.” We usually fabricate why we don’t deserve certain things in life.

Robert Anthony said that we could only have two things in life: “Reasons and Results.” Namibians will always have a reason why they are not the best at something or why they cannot manifest their greatness. At the end of the day, reasons usually do not count, as we are judged by results. You all might know the great saying, “judge the tree by the fruit it bears,” not the ones it might have had, not the ones it might wish for or think about, but the fruit it actually bears. People are usually frightened by the word commitment, because when you say the word it usually intimidates a lot of people. Because it means you have to deliver. 

Imagine a situation where you have asked a colleague to stand in for you at a meeting – the response is usually: “I will try,” which is an excuse clause for in case I don’t come through. It is a very polite way to say no! You either commit yourself to the task at hand or you don’t. No excuse is acceptable, that is what self-commitment means. As a participant in life it is almost impossible not to be committed. At some point in our lives we are either committed to mediocrity or greatness. We will either be committed to be productive or non-productive at work. We are also either committed to be happy or unhappy. Today I really challenge you to think about how you wish to create a personal and professional life experience that will increase your self-worthiness. Many of us started off this year with New Year’s resolutions, such as to be better at business. It is about time that you back-up and not give up. Sometimes you really don’t have to listen to what your friends or colleagues have to say, just watch what they do, as commitment shows up in what we do. If you have committed yourself to start that business and increase sales and it becomes tough – then do it tough!  So what if it is difficult to get funding? Is it inconvenient to start a business without enough money? So what? A number of readers made the commitment to read the New Era paper this morning, but gave up the commitment when they looked out of the window and realised it’s cold. That is exactly how we give up on our dreams or goals, as we fail to honour our commitments.  


*Dr. Wilfred Isak April is a University of Namibia (Unam) BBA graduate and holds an honours degree in Industrial Psychology & HRM and a Master of Commerce degree from the University of Stellenbosch.  He also holds a PhD in Entrepreneurship and lectures in Leadership, Research Methodology and Entrepreneurship at Unam.