
Frans Mc releases  second album

Home Art Life Frans Mc releases  second album

By Pinehas Nakaziko

– Namibian Gospel singer, Nande Frans Shikongeni, aka Frans Mc, launched his second 14-track gospel album titled Testimony, last Saturday at Hakahana Community Hall in Katutura.

Frans Mc says his second album means the journey to success, from a humble beginning. His favourite track on the album is Track 8, titled I am more than conquerors. “I like this song because it’s motivating individuals that whatever situations they are going through, Jesus Christ conquers them and they should trust in God always,” says Frans Mc.

In Track 4 Frans Mc chants-preach “let the poor says I am rich…let the blind says I can see…let the weak says I am strong, Jesus dies and rose again,” this is one of the massive and superior song on the album that no one can get tired of listening to, as he also encourages the listeners that changing time is now.”

Track 8, I am more than conquerors, has a nice up tempo voice. “I am a winner, I am more than a conquerors, all because of Jesus name, I believe,” goes some lines of the song in a motivational mood. The song is meant to motivate fellows to work hard and believe in themselves. He described this song as inspirational and educative at the same time.“I produced this album with a definite intention, to give hope, counsel, guidance, educate, motivate and to provide a soul vitamin to thirsty hearts,” he says.

The album features Ndina Shafuda, Emily Mutumbulwa, Victoria Daniel and Hilma. And a video of I am a conquerors follows this month.

The album is currently enjoying massive airplays at Radio channel 7, Omulunga Radio and NBC Oshiwambo service Radio station.

Frans Mc was born in the libration struggle in Kwanducobanco, Angola and had repatriated in Namibia with his parents after the independence.

“Born in a very strong Christians-background family, I always wanted to tell people God news about life, the love of God, morals and the significance of living in brother and sisterhood through respect,” he says. The album is available in all music shops countrywide.