
Free career guidance to Namibian boys

Home Youth Corner Free career guidance to Namibian boys
Free career guidance to Namibian boys

Human resources practitioner Tuuda Haitula has taken it upon himself to embark on a journey of empowering Namibian boys and men by offering free career guidance and interview coaching sessions.

The career coach believes many young males struggle with articulating their goals, crafting compelling resumes, and excelling in job interviews.

“The motivation behind these sessions stems from the observed lack of basic communication skills and adequate career knowledge among boys in Namibia, and how to shift their perspective from school to career success,” said the excited coach.

Haitula added that this gap often hinders their ability to secure employment, and progress in their chosen fields. 

The sessions will cover a range of topics, including interview techniques, job search strategies, resume building and career development guidance.

On the logistics part, Haitula highlighted that there will be four sessions annually – in June, August, October and December – each with the same group of 30 boys. 

He indicated that interested Namibians between the ages of 15 and 30 are invited to take advantage of these free sessions, and make meaningful strides toward their career goals.

Haitula said: “It is important to equip the boy child with the right skills early on in effective communication and a solid understanding of career pathways, which are crucial for success in today’s competitive job market. By offering these sessions, we aim to empower them to confidently pursue their professional aspirations”. He noted that empowering them with essential career skills not only benefits them individually, but also contributes to the overall socio-economic development of the country. 

Haitula’s initiative serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity for young males aspiring to succeed in the professional realm. 

The coach can be reached at htuuda@gmail.com for more information on this project. To register for the programme, log on to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScC5sC8_4kbPxLCn1KYE4bp12M8nfOJNKNP_9U3p5ghcZCA3Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
