Fresh FM radio personality sally is hilarious

Home Time Out Fresh FM radio personality sally is hilarious

Sally Jason also better known as Sals is one of the blooming female radio personalities in Namibia. Loved for her charming voice, Sally is fast becoming a darling to many radio cliques.

Hails all the way from Luderitz, Sally’s first taste of the radio world, started at Fresh FM in 2014, a station that represents who she is, a ‘young heart with a “fresh” mindset.

She is news reader and recently joined the Massive Attack show with Cheeze and KC from which kicks off as from 06h00 to 09h00 o’clock on weekdays.

Tell us about yourself, off and on air?

I am currently studying to Events Management through a distance college in South Africa, I am aspiring to be a professional events and talent manager.  On air I am a news reader and I recently joined the Massive Attack show which I am really enjoying, I used to co-host a segment with Paula on the Midday Rush called the Top Trending Topics, where we discussed stories that were of interest or informative to ourselves and the listeners.

What’s fascinating about radio?

Radio is instant; it can be enjoyed anywhere whether it is at home, in office or while driving. My manager KC says, “Radio is the theatre of the mind”, which means that we demonstrate the power of the spoken word, and the ability of my voice alone to create powerful and vivid pictures in the mind of the listener, that is fascinating.

What is it about Fresh that sets the station apart?

I love that Fresh represents the new generation, not the “born frees” stereotype but a changing and evolving lifestyle and a culture that expresses the freedom we have gained since Independence.

What would be surprised to learn about you?

There is no surprise that I am hilarious; everyone who knows me can vouch for that, no plans to becoming a comedian though, wouldn’t want to take anyone’s job. A fun fact is that when the artist Sally started out, people didn’t really know what she looked like I guess, and I use to get messages from upcoming artists sending me demos and I would entertain some and reply that I’d definitely take a listen at their work.

Do you think local radio stations are doing enough to promote local music?

I think every station has their identity and the music that fits to that image, it probably isn’t enough to the artists to which I can understand but if a song is not of the stations culture then it is their decision.  This industry is quite tough and the standard for quality and catchy music is high.

Do you think being on radio is easy?

Nothing is easy; you could have the best accent but not have anything interesting. So it takes preparation to make sure you execute an effective show.

Message to followers?

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” ― Mark Twain

Facebook:Sally Ndapandula Jason

Twitter: @ImSallyJason