From security guard to baker

From security guard to baker

Bernard Chali, a 35-year-old resident of Luderitz, has changed his life from a struggling security guard to a thriving baker, serving delicious treats to his community.

Not long ago, Chali found himself in a predicament. He was earning peanuts from a job that did not give him fulfillment or enjoyment.

“It was tough. My employer wasn’t paying me well, and I struggled to make ends meet,” he said. 

His breaking point came when he received his final paycheck of N$1000, a sum that could barely cover his basic needs.

With determination and a desire for change, Chali made a bold decision and left his job.

Instead of succumbing to despair, he invested his last earnings in baking equipment and ingredients. Armed with newfound hope and a passion for baking, he set out to carve a new path for himself.

“I started baking scones, and making colorful popcorn. I believed in my products, and knew there was potential to sell them,” he said.  

With a spirit of entrepreneurship burning, he became the first man in Luderitz to take to the streets, offering his freshly-baked goods to passersby.

His initiative quickly gained attention in a short period. Residents, enticed by the aroma of freshly-baked scones and the enthusiasm of his popcorn, became regular customers. 

“It was challenging at first, but seeing people enjoy what I made kept me going,” he said.

Chali said he never imagined that baking could change his life like this, grateful for the support he has received from his community.