
Game developers on the rise

Home Youth Corner Game developers on the rise

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK – A young local game developer has urged his fellow country mates to get into gaming to cease and control the market because it’s the industry that makes the most money in the world and said most of the fields in the country are heavily populated.

“Most of the fields in Namibia are overpopulated which makes it difficult for people to get jobs which is also the reason why there is a high unemployment rate in Namibia. Game development could play a huge role in Namibia because if the market is introduced here, it can bring down unemployment,” believed Tutaleni Ilonga.

On BBC, Ilonga, 25, further said as far as the youth is concerned, they should bear in mind that this is one of the industries that can curb youth unemployment, especially in Namibia. “It’s better to start this at grassroots level such as secondary school, especially when it comes to game developing, ” he said.

The chemical engineer by profession who was recently interviewed by the BBC on the status and involvement of African countries in the tech world was talking to Youth Corner ahead of the Global Game Jam starting 31 January – 2 February 2020, in Windhoek.

The Global Game Jam is annually distributed. It was inspired by the Nordic Game Jam and created by Susan Gold, Ian Schreiber, Gorm Lai and Foaad Khosmood. “Global Game Jam doesn’t require much, anyone can participate from graphics designers, game designers, game developers, coders to storytellers where they will be teamed up in groups and will be required to create a game in 48 hours,” Ilonga told Youth Corner.

Another game developer, Paulus Hauwanga (23) said the reason he decided to become a game developer is that it enforces critical thinking and innovation, improves IQ and problem-solving skills. 
“Namibia with its population and more youngsters getting into computer-related courses and the creative industry, the future looks bright. Africa, Namibia included has a deep pool of talent, even though we lack the infrastructure and capacity to commercialise our creative talents and reap the vast fortunes lying in wait,” said Hauwanga on whether there is a future for gamers in the country.
He said if people come together and collaborate on projects such as the Global Game Jam, it will be easier for developers to have access to what they need. 
“Even though game developing is not a clear-cut way to success in Namibia due to globalisation and international competition, I still believe your success as a developer depends on how well you play your cards and this means those who are interested in pursuing this need to do research, keep up with trends, introduce something new to the market and be authentic,” stated Hauwanga.
Hauwanga believes the creation of authentic Namibian stories/content for global consumption is the only way to beat globalization. “Game developing in the 21st century is not the same anymore, especially with the emerging of the latest technology such as Virtual Reality and Argumentative Reality. The gaming industry in Africa is booming, so keep up with trends, which games are being played. Keep up with AAA studios, the likes of EA Sports or Ubisoft, look at their strategies and the technologies they use,” he stated.

Hauwanga urged young game developing enthusiasts to apply for all the gaming conferences including the Global Game Jam. “You never know whom you are meeting there and never stop learning.”