
Gawanas-Vugs reinstated on NAC board

Home National Gawanas-Vugs reinstated on NAC board

SWAKOPMUND – The Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, yesterday reinstated the former deputy board chairperson of the Namibia Airports Company (NAC), Beverly Gawanas-Vugs, to the board.  

However, Gawanas-Vugs returns as an ordinary board member instead of her previous position. She was ‘fired’ last week by Mutorwa, who said the decision was reached after extensive consultations with various line ministries.
Reports are that Gawanas-Vugs was fired for the Ondangwa airport court case, as well various mishaps at various airports.

However, Gawanas-Vugs responded to Mutorwa this week through her lawyer, Sisa Namandje, saying Mutorwa did not follow the correct procedures relating to the removal of directors in terms of the Companies Act.

Asked yesterday for his comment on the reinstatement, Mutorwa said he studied all documents including an affidavit submitted by Gawanas-Vugs and made his recommendations to the government lawyers to take the matter further.
“Hence I am not privy to comment on the issue as it is not clear whether they will accept what I have drafted and forwarded to them,” he responded yesterday.

A letter signed by Mutorwa and seen by this newspaper states that the decision to reinstate

 Gawanas-Vugs was taken after careful consideration of her affidavit showed some provisions of the Companies Act were not adhered to, resulting in her being reinstated.

 “However, it needs to be stated for the record that the NAC board, while Gawanas-Vugs was acting, has hitherto totally failed to formally inform the ministry  about the court verdict that was given,” Mutorwa says in the letter.

Consequently he says that Gawanas-Vugs is hereby reinstated as an ordinary member with immediate effect. 
“As the portfolio minister I would like to point out that I have the power to appoint the chairperson, his deputy and directors in accordance with relevant provisions.  Hence Dr Leake Hangala will remain the chairperson, deputised by Advocate Irene Visser,” he said.