
Geingob hails Rupiah Banda at state funeral 

Home National Geingob hails Rupiah Banda at state funeral 
Geingob hails Rupiah Banda at state funeral 

President Hage Geingob yesterday paid homage to former Zambian president Rupiah Banda, saying his death is a monumental loss to the people of Namibia, both as a staunch advocate for the democracy the country enjoys today and as having been a “true, dependable friend”. 

Geingob was speaking at a state funeral for Banda at the Lusaka Showground yesterday. 

Banda died last week after a two-year struggle against colon cancer. Geingob was amongst the heads of state and government, and former leaders from the region attending the burial. 

“I still recall how in 1974, the late Banda took on the responsibility of president of the United Nations Council for Namibia, whilst serving as the permanent representative of Zambia to the United Nations. During his tenure, ambassador Banda became a pivotal voice on the international stage in advancing our cause for independence and sovereignty,” Geingob said.  He added that as a distinguished diplomat and statesman and a pan- Africanist beyond reproach, Banda dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of freedom, justice and prosperity for the peoples of Zambia, southern Africa and Africa at large. “We find refuge from our grief in the wake of his passing in remembering his robust and steadfast contributions to the struggle for liberation in our region, and the strides he made for the socio-economic development of the people of this region,” he added. He said it is against this background that he wishes to thank the family and the Zambian government for organising what he described as the most befitting and solemn send-off in honour of this departed distinguished son of that country. “On behalf of Namibia and its people, I extend our most heartfelt condolences to Zambia and its fraternal people, to his widow madame Thandiwe Banda, to his children, Themwani and Henry Banda, and the entire bereaved family,” Geingob said. “We stand with you in this moment of bereavement, and we ask you to draw strength from the many hearts here and across the world that mourn with you in these trying times.”