
Geingob says harnessing technology is crucial for socio-economic development

Home National Geingob says harnessing technology is crucial for socio-economic development

WINDHOEK – President Hage Geingob, while speaking at the 10th anniversary partnership celebration between Huawei and MTC this week, stated that for Namibia to achieve the tenets of the AU Agenda 2063, “it is pertinent that we encourage, support and foster technological progress on the continent, to augment economic growth and stimulate positive social change.”

“We have adopted Vision 2030, with the goal to improve the quality of life of the people of Namibia to the level of their counterparts in the developed world by 2030. Amongst the themes identified by government as crucial to this vision, are Knowledge, Innovation, Information and Technology. Even though Namibia has made great development since independence, there are still pressing socio-economic scourges such as poverty, land distribution, housing and generational income disparities which needs serious attention from both government and the corporate world,” said Geingob. 

At the event where MTC and Huawei donated N$10 million to the Shack Dwellers Federation, the Head of State expressed that the problem of housing in the country is one of the government key priority – hence the Land Conference hosted recently.
“We cannot give up on the fight until every Namibian is in a place they can call home and feel safe. With so many challenges and dangers confronting shack dwellers, life is difficult and undignified. Shack fires, unstable family lives and lack of electricity are just some of the challenges they face on a daily basis. These are Namibians with real problems and who lack the necessities. These are our brothers and sisters. We cannot stand by idly while they suffer. We can no longer be part of a society, which ignores the agony of others. If we witness social injustice and choose to do nothing about it, we are part of the problem and not the solution,” expressed Geingob.

The President also commended the strategic partnership between MTC and Huawei, urging the two companies to continue keeping up with the pace of change in order to realise sustainability in the deliverance of affordable services to enhance the lives of Namibians.