
Geingob seeks divine intervention against Covid-19

Home Front Page News Geingob seeks divine intervention against Covid-19

President Hage Geingob has called on Namibians to observe tomorrow as a national day of prayer against the threat of Covid-19, which has so far claimed the lives of 70 000 people around the world. Global infections of the virus currently stand at over 1.2 million, while Namibia has reported 16 confirmed cases. In a statement yesterday, Geingob said ELCRN Bishop Sageus /Keib would lead the national prayer from State House, while participating churches will ring their bells at 12h00 noon on Wednesday. “All Namibians who wish to participate must unite in faith, humble themselves and lift their voices to pray for the protection and welfare of our country,” he said. 

The head of state yesterday also announced that government has so far received monetary pledges of N$36 million towards the National Disaster Fund account for Covid-19 and in-kind donations such as water tankers, testing kits and ventilators. De Beers Group donated N$15 million, Debmarine Namibia donated 20 ventilators to the value of nearly N$10 million. Old Mutual Namibia donated testing and tracing equipment and food supplies worth N$5 million, while the Social Security Commission donated water tankers for informal settlements to the value of N$3.3 million. Other monetary donations came from the ruling Swapo Party and Namdia, who gave donations of N$1 million each. Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has been credited for donating testing kits and personal protective equipment. “We value each and every contribution that has been made by other public enterprises, trade unions and individuals who continue to contribute so generously. You are too many to mention but the complete list will be published. Let us continue to hold hands in the spirit of Harambee,” Geingob said. President Geingob yesterday also lauded the work of the Covid-19 communication centre, which gives daily updates on issues related to the virus outbreak. “I am very impressed with the important work being done at the centre, facilitated by the deputy minister (of information) and particularly with this morning’s (yesterday) discussion between the education stakeholders.” The head of state assured Namibians that every possible effort was being made to ensure the country improves on its testing capability. “I urge all Namibians to obey and cooperate with the authorities. This deadly virus does not respect social strata, race, ethnicity or boundaries. We can only defeat Covid-19 through unity of purpose,” he said.