
Gender Ministry Calls for Hard Work

Home Archived Gender Ministry Calls for Hard Work

By Surihe Gaomas WINDHOEK In a bid to boost morale and promote efficient service delivery amongst its staff early in the year, the Minister of Gender, Equality and Child Welfare Marlene Mungunda said the key to ensuring this positive spirit is through hard and team work. The minister said this when she addressed close to 30 management staff members at a recent management planning workshop held in the capital. The latest workshop follows shortly after the gender ministry launched its Customer Service Charter for all three directorates earlier this month. It is apparent that the ministry is geared towards meeting its constitutional obligation in promoting quality service delivery to the people it serves. “Let us not forget what the public requires from us to deliver. We should not lose focus, we must be vigilant and give the best of our abilities,” said the minister. During the two-day strategic planning workshop, participants reflected on the achievements, challenges and future plans in order to come up with a comprehensive plan of action that would guide the ministry through the year. As part of the workshop, presentations focussed on gender, community and integrated early childhood development, child welfare and general service. In the same vein, Minister Mungunda encouraged the middle management cadres to be exemplary to the rest of their staff members, while being time-conscious. “We must always be punctual at work, meet targets and deadlines on time…the ministry (also) deals directly with the public and therefore, we must attend to the public with diligence and dedication.” This comes well in line with what the minister reiterated earlier, noting that “quality service delivery calls for a concerted effort from the entire staff in the ministry”. The minister stated that the aim is not only about being productive, but producing quality work at the end of the day for the benefit of the people.