
German economic minister expected today 

Home National German economic minister expected today 

WINDHOEK – German Minister for Economic Cooperation Development Gert Müller is expected in the country today, the German Embassy in Windhoek said in a statement.
Müller, who will be here until next week Monday, will start his visit with a meeting with the Speaker of the

National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi. 
He will also have an audience with Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and Finance Minister Calle Schlettwein. 

Müller will also visit programmes supported in the framework of German development cooperation. 
He will visit projects in Katutura aimed at improving the living conditions in the informal settlements and will meet Namibian start-up companies at the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Center. 

Afterwards, Müller and his delegation will travel to the north of Namibia where he will visit a training farm for climate adaptation strategies in agriculture in Mashare. 

Together with the Minister for Environment and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, Müller will officially open the newly equipped park station Buffalo in the Bwabwata National Park. 
The new park station was funded with German support. On the way to Katima Mulilo, he will meet with representatives from conservancies and also from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and non-governmental organisations.

Before his departure to South Africa, Müller will travel to Walvis Bay where he will visit the harbour as well as a research project on the Benguela Current, supported by the German Ministry for Environment.
Close partnership between Germany and Namibia

Due to their long and joint history, Germany and Namibia are closely connected. Development cooperation is an integral part of the relationship between Namibia and Germany. Since 1990, around one billion Euros of public funds have been made available for this purpose. 

The focal areas of the bilateral development cooperation are the promotion of sustainable economic development, the management of natural resources and the development of the transport sector. 
In the current framework of bilateral technical and financial cooperation, programmes to the volume of 400 million Euros (N$6.8 billion) are being implemented together with the Namibian government.