German municipality donates to schools, elderly and the police

Home National German municipality donates to schools, elderly and the police


Hundreds of examination pads were donated to four schools while the elderly at Khorixas received clothing. Eight bicycles were also handed over to members of the Namibian police.

Last week’s donations came as a result of the twinning agreement between Khorixas Town Council and the Municipality of Westerkappel in Germany. Versteende Woud Primary School, Cornelius Goreseb High School, Welwitchia Junior Secondary School and T.H.F. !Gaeb Primary School each received about 40 examination pads and 120 mathematic booklets, while the elderly received parcels of clothes that included shoes and packets of washing powder.

According to local economic development officer at Khorixas Town Council Ester /Nanus, the twinning agreement between Khorixas and Westerkappel was signed on December 13, 2014 at the northwestern town after a visit by then mayor Tryphosa Moloto and /Nanus to Germany.

The agreement will benefit both towns, as cultural knowledge will be transferred and environment and tourism, as well as skills development is included. “This agreement will have a positive impact on both sides, as education is part of it and both parties are bringing their side,” /Nanus told New Era yesterday.

As part of its contribution Khorixas plans to open a cultural centre in Westerkappel, as many German students are coming to Khorixas to learn local languages and about the cultures of the local people, as it would prepare tourists for what to expect in Khorixas and Namibia before they visit.

/Nanus did not reveal the projected cost of such a cultural centre, but said it would not be a costly as producing CD’s and other audio-visual material with the assistance of language teachers based at Khorixas.

“Khorixas Town Council will fund the project. We will use the local resources at our disposal and will also look into legal considerations and implications, as well as involve the line ministry,” /Nanus said. The planned cultural centre will provide information flyers and brochures, as well as audio-visual content.

/Nanus described it as a very small project, but potentially with “meaningful impact”.
The mayor and chief executive officer of Westerkappel, Annette Grosse-Heitmeyer, was praised for her kind assistance. “We want to thank her (Grosse-Heitmeyer) for her cooperation. She is very meaningful in this partnership,” /Nanus said.

As part of the agreement, Khorixas Town Council has already been provided with a Nissan NP200 as transport vehicle to visit projects funded by the German municipality. Playground equipment was also donated and a school laboratory at Cornelius Goreseb was renovated, as well as the school hall, as part of the twinning agreement.

The playground equipment will be handed over to the community later this month. The agreement will be renewed after five years, in consultation with the line ministry, which /Nanus says is likely to happen as it is having a positive impact on life in the northwestern town.

All seven town councillors were present, as well as the director of education in the Kunene Region, Benny Eiseb, who called for German language studies to be introduced at schools in the region, as under the agreement language teachers can be sent from Germany to assist.